How to stay fly without money flying out of your pocket..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Recessionistas Fail

So I was trying to save a hundred dollars, as any good recessionsista would. I needed some facial moisturizer and I made a bold claim to a sales lady and got myself a tester of Creme de le Mer. I told myself since it was free it didn't really matter and that I wasn't an addict, I could quit any time. 

Well it was free, so I felt good because I like free but then something happened. After two days my skin looked visibly better. I mean seriously. The fine lines in my forehead were barely, if visible at all, and I really think I looked younger. Immediately. 

So my and my free bee kept on keeping on, until the dreadful day that I reached the bottom of the tester. I did some research and was told that Oil of Olay Regenerist was just as good for the price. 


Not only did my fine lines come creeping back, the strong scent of Regenerist irritated my skin so bad that it I had to bathe in aloe vera. 

Well I'm not on my second free tester, my skin is back to what it was and this weekend I'm taking my hard earned money down to Nordstrom and buying an ounce of a the good stuff. (Please note I've carried my lunch for every day for almost a lunch in order to justify my purchase) 

1 comment:

Lady Kinnks said...

sometimes u have to just treat yourself to quality thing :) What is the point of saving if you never get any benefits? I wanna buy some products too..but I am gonna find some online sales first :) Thanks for sharing